Understanding people's personality
Knowing someone’s personality
You might be thinking that knowing someone’s personality is something that requires spending months if not years with that person ,however, by understanding some simple principles about people’s behavior you will start to notice that their personalities can be revealed through tiny actions that are usually overlooked by others.
The span grows but the behavior remains the same
If a good friend of yours enjoys bungee jumping then this means that the guy will not hesitate to take any kind of risk even if it wasn't a physical risk.
For example, this guy can simply quit his job before finding another one even if he was in need of financial security.
The guy who sits in the same place in the same restaurant everyday is very likely to have fear of change and could resist any change when it is about to happen. This guy is more likely to resist having a new boss or a new job description.
A guy who looks at both sides many times before crossing the street is very likely to be cautious and reserved in decision making and if it happened that he took a risk it will be a calculated risk.
The guy who likes to stick to a certain job without wanting to change it is very likely to be a loyal husband who sticks to his wife to the end.
As you can see, very tiny actions that seem to be of no value provides a very good insight on someone's behavior in bigger situations.
Making someone fall in love with you
Not only understanding people's personality can help you have better relationships with them but it can also help you in making people fall in love with you. In my book How to make someone fall in love with you i described how knowing someone's needs and wants then providing him with them can make him fall in love with you.
For example, suppose that you knew that someone suffered from financial insecurity as a child, in such a case appearing to be ambitious will make that person fall in love with you provided that all other factors are constant.
In order to make someone fall in love with you, you must understand his fears, needs, wants and past experiences then position yourself in his mind as someone who can help him get over these fears, who can satisfy these needs and make him feel secure.
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